Category Archive: Uncategorized

Why the Treaty is still a Fraud

Hōne Heke chopped down the flagpole with the British flag at Kororāreka four times (July 1844-March 1845) All the old shit flying around the Treaty, everything that is not about Māori land rights… Continue reading

Why Aotearoa must stay out of the US war with China

Aotearoa should not be a pawn in the US plan to wage war against China. Ben Morgan’s ‘simple’ explanation of military developments in the Asia Pacific reads like a US state department briefing… Continue reading

World War 3 in the Asia-Pacific?

The Daily Blog is running a war agenda in Ben Morgan’s columns where Russia and China are painted as the main protagonists of the rush to war against the West. Yet Russia and… Continue reading

White Supremacy Rears its Ugly Head!

What does this right-wing governments recognition of Hamas as a terrorist organisation, its determination to rewrite the Treaty to deny Maaori sovereignty and its move to empower and re-arm the petty bourgeois white… Continue reading

Standing Upright in the Wild South

Mounted farmers militias charge striking workers during the General Strike, 1913. Wellington, NZ In the aftermath of the election debacle, the Right and Left in NZ are preoccupied with partisan debates about Conservatives vs… Continue reading

Labour’s Loss is a Workers’, Women’s & Māori Win

We wrote in Aotearoa: For a Workers’ Government before the recent election about why Labour was trapped by its own history in a settler colony ruled by imperialist powers.  First, Britain until WW2,… Continue reading

Aotearoa: For a Workers’ Government

NZ is a neo-colony, nominally politically independent since it ceased to be referred to as a ‘dominion’ of Britain in 1945. Yet NZ never had a national revolution and its ‘dominion’ status was… Continue reading

Transfascism or post-humanism?

On Saturday, March 25 this year, 2000 transactivists surrounded and invaded the Band Rotunda at Albert Park, Auckland and violently ended a ‘Let Women Speak’ meeting organised by Posie Parker.  The trans rights… Continue reading

Women’s Fight for Humanity

The original commune was the birth of humanity. It created an egalitarian society in which social relations were reciprocal and in harmony with nature. Without it, homo sapiens would not exist today. The… Continue reading

Trans fascism?

It was obvious that the occupation of the Band Rotunda at Albert Park, Auckland yesterday, was inevitable. The trans rights movement, and its allies in the state, unions and media, had been winding… Continue reading

Women and the birth of humanity

Girl’s menarcheal ritual — here among the Kua (G/wi or //Gana), photo Valiente-Noailles A recent twitter thread welcomes an important new article whose findings support the ‘Blood Relations’ theory of the origin of… Continue reading

Queering the Census

The 2023 Census is an attempt to cover up and legitimize the queering of sex. By queering we mean making something appear as its opposite, that is the inversion of reality, essence as… Continue reading

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