Single Sex Toilets and the Fate of Humanity

If men can be women then Mars can be Venus

If we dismiss the debate over bathrooms we are already on another planet

OK so Labour leader Chris Hipkins and National Leader Chris Luxon don’t want a cultural war over NZF Peters bid to make ‘bathrooms’ (and sports) single sex. Luxon says “You are on another planet if you want to have a conversation about bathrooms and make that an election issue.”

The Daily Blog also wants the state out of the ‘gender war’ over trans rights. “…good on Luxon and Chippy for refusing to give this transphobic nonsense any bait. Look, allowing the Toilet Police to start policing our toilets because the Trans community have been militant over the top arseholes in their never- ending drama queen push for whatever Shaneel Lal thinks will give him anymore attention is an insane solution.”

But how is that keeping the state out of the ‘gender war’ when its already in it up to its bloody neck? Parliament under the recent Labour led government enlisted ‘left’, right and centre on the side of trans ideology in the gender war when it legislated to allow men to become legal women. It ignored the protests of women that this would make the concept of their material existence null and void only to be filled by predatory penises.

It revelled in the fact that the concept of real world women based on biological sex was now to become a ‘gender identity’ which had nothing to do with biology. Such a collective denial of science, history, reason and common sense is of such staggering ignorance that it would make Galileo burn in his grave, and women as a sex class fear being caste into outer space.

It ignored that this caricatured concept of gender was based on socially constructed traits first dreamed up by men some 40,000 years ago to justify making women their domestic slaves. The Hellenic and Roman origin of Western ‘civilisation’ was founded on the enslavement of women and children because, you know, their bodies.

In other words, gender ideology is the ‘culture’ married to the the historic oppression of women’s material biological bodies by men who justified it to their material advantage. This is the definition of the patriarchy as an actually existing social organisation in which gender is materially, physically, and politically oppressive and something to be destroyed, not trivialised or celebrated.

Therefore the ideology that the biological essence of sex is an identity reduced to gender performances is historically false except in the sense that the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class, backed by bourgeois state law. And those ruling ideas must stoop to patronising the debates over toilets and sports as trivial for women and children.

Gender ideology targets women’s struggle to end gender oppression when it erases women as an historic sex class whose labour has been exploited by men for 40,000 years. By expunging this history of sex oppression, and women’s resistance, men can legally enter the spaces that women need to organise their sex-class solidarity and stage their social revolution.

Not only does the ideology of inclusion as a human right attack biological women, it attacks young gays and lesbians, following the logic of the UK GRA in 2004, and the Iranian state. The House of Lords and the clerical fascist regime both legislate for fictitious heterosexual relationships to substitute for gay or lesbian relationships. Thus gender transition becomes the legal front for gay conversion.

The fact that the right wing patriarchal NZF member of the coalition Government wants to restore the sex definition of women and keep men out of women’s places in order to keep women in their place as postmodern domestic slaves, is all the more reason for the progressive left to fight for these rights. Why? Because no bourgeois government, left right or centre, can liberate women from patriarchal capitalism.

Only women with their brothers in support can overthrow the patriarchal capitalist system. Capitalism on its last legs must destroy nature and society to live. It visits its economic crises, depressions, pandemics, climate crisis and war on us, and in desperation drags up the most vile filth from the past to divide and rule those who work to live, replacing science with superstition, drowning us in nihilism and chaos.

Gender ideology, like all ruling ideas that legitimate women’s oppression, will cease to rule over women when their struggle for sexual liberation ultimately succeeds in the overthrow of the bourgeois state. Women, who created human society by organising child care for 100,000s of years, only to be turned into domestic slaves, remain our only hope of restoring humanity back to nature before the extinction of our species.